Monday, July 20, 2009


Yah, has again been a while since I have updated this blog thingy. June/July in a nutshell, here goes...
June 27
Celebrating Grandma's birthday at Burlington Beach. I got exactly 0 pictures of Grandma. Oops. But lots of pictures of her cute grandchildren...

Visiting my cousin and her girls at Pinery Provincial Park. (early July? I think.)

Deanna's fancy Campfire! hairdo. Hopefully it kept the critters out! Tim went the week before (D1). I didn't braid his hair :)

And some lovely ladies at ballet school this morning.
Blogger Question: Is it just me, or is it extremely finicky to put pictures in your posts anymore? I used to be able to grab a picture and drag it to wherever I wanted it, but now I just have to keep moving it down a few lines at a time. It takes forever and makes me not want to add pictures to my posts anymore :(. Any advice?


PietHarsevoort said...

Tim's not in ballet school?

TBH said...

Lisa, I just click on the photo, after it's loaded, do a ctrl-c to copy, put the curser where I want the photo to be, and click crtl-V for paste, then go back and delete the original. Lots faster than dragging.

Lisa said...

I tried that, Thea, but it wouldn't paste... my photo was gone. Weird.
Piet - no, Tim was the peanut gallery, I think.