Thursday, January 24, 2008


The tickets are booked...the arrangements are made... From February 7 - 14, this is where we will be:

I can't wait! It's so cold here right now, I just can't imagine sitting on a beach sipping a cocktail! But I will be! In two weeks!!!!
Sorry, I'll try to keep it down, it's just that we've never been anywhere exotic like this. I will miss my kids like crazy, I wish we could take them all, but I'm sure we'll have fun nonetheless. Deanna's already got quite a list of things she wants me to bring back... a picture of a dolphin, sea shells from the beach, a sand dollar, a picture of a jellyfish (?)... I'll do my best!
I'm hoping I can figure out how to update from there, at least then the kids can read about what we're up to. Pictures will have to wait until we're back.


Now, what to pack?? I might have to go shopping.....


Anonymous said...

HOORAY!! Sounds like fun. If you think you'll miss your kids too much, Sherri and I can go instead. We can take Callum free.

Can't wait to see the pictures... (please none of Art in a bathing suit).

Pack books... beach reading is the best!

Lisa said...

Yes it is! So is beach napping... and beach pretty much anything right now!

Anonymous said...

Sherri's jealous. She hates winter...

Lisa said...

Sorry Sherri. I'll have a Daquiri for you....

Marg said...

Wow! Looks exciting...there's always something about these exotic places!! Pardon my ignorance, where is it???? The photo of the hotel beach looks very inviting!
By the way, Dave runs a timber truss know, making trusses to put roofs on houses... It's going really well, and they hope to move into new premises by March, bigger and better of course!!

Lisa said...

The resort is in the Dominican Republic. HOpefully it is as beautiful in real life as it is in the pictures.

Erica Feunekes said...

Hi Lisa. I'll say hi to Adel for you. What a tiny world we live in! They've been here for quite a few years but plan to leave at the end of the school year. Hope you have a great holiday. One of my fun classmates at language school in Bandung is from the Dominican!