Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Deanna!

In the middle of this never ending renovation, life goes on... Deanna celebrated her 11th birthday this Tuesday.
Opening her gifts at breakfast:

She wanted a jewellery box, so I found this one at VV and repainted it. Turned out quite cute - and it has BIRDS on it!!
I put some new earrings in it, and a gift card to a spa for her and I to have manicures! I've never had one either :)
So when your birthday is on Shrove Tuesday, what do you have for supper?
Skinny pancakes, of course!
And a yummy Costco chocolate mousse cake for dessert. A little too much sweets at one meal...
good thing we don't do that every day!
Here is my hard working husband posing in front of our lovely new windows, in our newly painted family room. Well, one coat of paint is on, anyway....
This weekend is trim, and hopefully finish painting early next week. The end is in sight!!!


Anonymous said...

I made skinny pancakes on Monday! But we had ours for breakfast. And then at my school placement on Tuesday,we had a pancake lunch! A very pancakey week.

Deanna got pretty good presents, it seems. Happy birthday, Deanna!

Anonymous said...

Make your poor hubby a coffee, he looks like he could use one!

Lisa said...

He was not really impressed to turn around and see the camera... thats all. I made him plenty of coffee.