Two baby robins just waiting for someone to take them for a wagon ride! They sure poop a lot - Tim said he put the wagon there last night, so they must have flown the coop today sometime. That would explain all the noise I heard this morning!
So I took a picture of the girls with the babies, so they can show them off at school tomorrow:
Then I told them to stay away so the mother could feed them. Natalie went to play on the slide, but oops.... look what was behind the playset!
Baby robin #3! He hopped away, which is when I figured out that Babies # 1 & 2 were probably not so much waiting for a ride as STUCK!!! in the wagon. I opened the door and they very shortly hopped out, encouraged by Mom who was waiting in the hedge with a juicy worm!
We then checked on the nest in the front yard (in the red maple on the boulevard) where there had been eggs last Saturday. Mom flew away as we approached, so I stuck my camera up to try and get a picture in the nest (it's too high to see into). Guess what we found?
Looks like they have just hatched! One more egg to go - unless that's the one the kids took out of the nest on Saturday...poor thing!
Just looking at the title, I thought you had some news to share..............
Well, I have to keep people on their toes....
Like I said before, Timothy could probably use a brother!
I think a brother for Tim at this point would be kind of useless. By the time he was old enough to do boy things, Tim will have moved out!
So forget it. You'll just have to supply him with lots of nephews. And move closer!
Good thing you don't have cats around! The shop cat has already killed our robin's babies...:(
Actually, about half an hour after I took these pics, I heard the robins making an awful racket in the back yard. They were so loud, I went to see what the commotion was all about - and what did I find but the neighbours cat! He was trying to get in my kitchen door, so I shooed him home quickly, before he noticed the free dinner hopping around the hedges....
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